Usman Afzali, PhD (Psyc), MD

Lecturer in Science of Religion

The New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study

Role: Research Collaborator

Post 15 March terrorist attacks in New Zealand, I started collaborating with the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study (NZAVS) to conduct anti-Muslim prejudice and intergroup relations research.


Long-term causal effects of far-right terrorism in New Zealand

Joseph A. Bulbulia, M. Usman Afzali, Kumar Yogeeswaran, Chris G. Sibley

M. Gelfand, PNAS Nexus, vol. 2(8), Oxford University Press on behalf of National Academy of Sciences, 2023 Aug 22

Psychological impact of far-right terrorism against Muslim minorities on national distress, community, and wellbeing

Kate Byrne, Kumar Yogeeswaran, Martin J. Dorahy, Jessica Gale, M. Usman Afzali, Joseph A. Bulbulia, Chris G. Sibley

Scientific Reports, 12, 1620, 2022 Jan 31

Hate begets warmth? The impact of an anti-Muslim terrorist attack on public attitudes toward Muslims

Sadi Shanaah, Kumar Yogeeswaran, Lara Greaves, Joseph A. Bulbulia, Danny Osborne, M. Usman Afzali, Chris G. Sibley

Terrorism and Political Violence, vol. 35(1), 2021 Mar, pp. 156-174

Prejudice toward Muslims in New Zealand: Insights from the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study

Chris G. Sibley, M. Usman Afzali, Nicole Satherley, Anastasia Ejova, Samantha Stronge, Kumar Yogeeswaran, Michael Grimshaw, Diala Hawi, Zahra Mirnajafi, Fiona Kate Barlow, Petar Milojeva, Lara M. Greaves, Sarah Kapeli, Elena Zubielevitch, Logan Hamley, Maria C. Basabas, Marvin H. Wu, Chloe Howard, Carol H. J. Lee, Yanshu Huang, Christopher Lockhart, JoaquĆ­n Bahamondes, Sam Manuela, Taciano L. Milfont, Ryan Perry, Nikhil K. Sengupta, Nickola C. Overall, John H. Shaver, Geoffrey Troughton, Danny Osborne, Joseph Bulbulia

New Zealand Journal of Psychology, vol. 49(1), 2020 Jul, pp. 48-72

Exploring New Zealand National Identity and Its Importance for Attitudes toward Muslims and Support for Diversity

Kumar Yogeeswaran, M. Usman Afzali, Nadia P. Andrews, Elizabeth A. Chivers, Meng-Jie Wang, Thierry Devos, Chris G. Sibley

New Zealand Journal of Psychology, vol. 48(1), 2019 Apr, pp. 29-35